
Dr. Helena Taylor Clinic

Helena Taylor Clinic
Osteopathic Health Centre Dubai | Dr Helena Taylor Clinic

Osteopathic Health Centre Dubai

Our newly opened osteopathy department provides solutions to patients with techniques to heal themselves. Following the main principle of “the body possesses an inherent ability to heal itself” osteopathic medicine seeks to identify and address the root cause of health issues rather than merely treating the symptoms.

Comprehensive Care

Don't worry. Trust us for health.

The Osteopathy team is led by the renowned specialist, Ms. Ambra, who is highly trained and specialised in osteopathy to provide alternative gentle therapies to heal your issues completely and not just avoid the symptoms. 


They treat various musculoskeletal and systemic conditions by visceral and/or cranial techniques to restore the balance between the musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems.

Our Flagship Service

Pediatric Osteopathy

Pediatric osteopathy is a very gentle procedure that can help your baby feel better in many ways. It focuses on the prevention of many health issues and is strongly advised by Doctors for newborn babies. This is also a postpartum check-up routine for the child.

Osteopathic consultations are strongly advised – if your baby is suffering from torticollis, reflux, colics, constipation, or latching issues.

Osteopathic Health Centre Dubai | Paediatric Osteopathy

Pain Management

Pain treatments at our Osteopathic health centre Dubai, help correct structural imbalances in your body, improve circulation, and relieve pain with an approach to training the muscles, soft tissues, and joints.

The pain management treatments encourage the body to heal itself by ensuring that your bones and muscles are aligned and balanced properly.

Chronic pain treatments may include conditions such as:

Osteopathic Health Centre Dubai | Pain Management

Top Osteopathic Health Centre Dubai

Osteopathic Visceral Treatment

Visceral osteopathy involves the attempt to apply manual therapy techniques to the body’s inner organs, and therefore treat a much wider range of conditions. It aims to improve the movement of organs and relieve tension within the body, facilitating the functioning of the organs and their “natural” ability to heal themselves.

Osteopathic Health Centre Dubai | Osteopathic Visceral Treatment

Cranio Sacral Treatment

Craniosacral osteopathy is a type of mild and indirect manual treatment that aims to evaluate and improve the functioning of the craniosacral system (central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and the surrounding membranes and structures).


Our osteopaths work by allowing the body to play its role of self-regulation, and self-healing and will therefore help relieve physical pain, whether acute or chronic.

Osteopathic Health Centre Dubai | Cranio Sacral Osteopathic Treatment

Ready to Book? Request an Appointment Now.

Our doctors and therapists are available to talk with you about our wide range of services and make sure you receive everything you need in one location if you are searching for Internationally trained experts in women’s health, maternity, wellbeing, and beauty.

Related Services


This department is a leading division in the clinic at the heart of our wellbeing concept to get you fit and healthy again.

Maternity Support

Pregnancy is a transformative journey which can bring various worries and needs to pregnant women.

Post-natal Support

Our clinic is one of its own in the country to provide extensive antenatal and postnatal support to mums.